Facilitator: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Nora Niculescu

My work in the birth world started over ten years ago when I trained as a Lamaze childbirth educator and as a doula with DONA. For a good while I thought that what made the difference between a “good” birth and a traumatic one was having evidence-based information. But staying in touch with the parents who took my prenatal class made me notice that even though they were well-informed, few felt good about their birth experience. I started to ask myself “Why?” In my search, I discovered Pam England’s philosophy regarding childbirth and it changed me to the core.

As far back as I can remember, I have been fascinated by the complexity and mystery around birth stories. My experience of giving birth, birth trauma, and childbirth mentoring have led me on a long and deep personal journey. After being a childbirth educator for six years, I began seeking a new and more holistic path. Birth Story Medicine healed my birth trauma in a way I hadn't been able to; I then became a Birth Story Listener and am now a Certified Birth Story Medicine Tutor.

When I listen to a birth story. . .

I am the Storyteller’s companion as they explore their story. I listen for beliefs, expectations and intentions the Storyteller brings to the session. I marvel each time, as this process unfolds, at the insights of the Storyteller.

As a tutor/ teacher. . .

I love to witness the shift in students' minds as they learn the Birth Story Process and how much they grow personally. And, I have a more selfish reason: by teaching and mentoring other birth story listeners, I deepen my skills and am becoming a better Birth Story Mentor for my clients.

About me:

In 2010 Nora founded a prenatal and postnatal center in Cluj-Napoca, Romania called Stork’s Nest (Cuibul Berzelor); she has worked with over 2500 couples. Nora also trains doulas under the Doula Romania Association.  She is a mother to her young son.

Dancing give me bliss… I feel free when I dance; it’s a natural way for me to express myself. I dance alone, I dance at parties (well…before the COVID era), and I take street dance classes with a group of over 30 people. I also love reading. The books I most love are those that help me get different perspectives or that trigger strong emotions in me—that make me cry or laugh or feel butterflies or touch my heart in any way. My favorite authors are Carlos Luiz Zafon (The Shadow of the Wind) and everything written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Learn with Nora

Want a listening session with Nora?

Reach Nora at nora@doula.ro.
Nora's listening sessions are priced per individual situations.
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